Anyone currently enrolled in a junior college, polytechnic or equivalent is eligible.
Form a team of 3–5 to register!
Native to Singapore!
Blue fiddler crab
Tubuca paradussumieri
Native to Singapore!
Blue sprite
Pseudagrion microcephalum
Native to Singapore!
Broad-handed carpenter bee
Xylocopa latipes
Native to Singapore!
Common awl
Hasora badra
Native to Singapore!
Common sun skink
Eutropis multifasciata
Native to Singapore!
Cycad blue
Luthrodes pandava
Native to Singapore!
Heimioporus fungus
Heimioporus retisporus
Native to Singapore!
Humphrey's land snail
Hemiplecta humphreysiana
Lesser mouse-deer
Tragulus kanchil
Mangrove jellyfish
Acromitus sp.
Native to Singapore!
Pink-necked green pigeon
Treron vernans
Native to Singapore!
Small fruit fly
Drosophila sp.
Native to Singapore!
Snapping shrimp
Alpheidae sp.
Sumatran velvet worm
Eoperipatus sumatranus
Near Threatened
Spotted archerfish
Toxotes chatareus
Crit. Endangered!
Dugong dugon
Blacktip reef shark
Carcharhinus melanopterus
Smooth-coated otter
Lutrogale perspicillata
Native to Singapore!
Luminous Porecap
Filoboletus manipularis
Crit. Endangered!
Sunda Pangolin
Manis javanica
Learn and compete in Singapore’s first online collaborative biology contest!
Anyone currently enrolled in a junior college, polytechnic or equivalent is eligible.
Form a team of 3–5 to register!
It's on .
You'll be competing in real time from (4 hours).
The Singapore Biology League (SBL) will be held online.
Meet up with your team or compete from home!
Challenge yourself with refreshing biology problems that are sure to get you thinking. We recommend forming a diverse team in order to tackle any problem that comes your way!
No one likes to mug for biology exams, so we made SBL an open book contest! You have to think critically to solve our problems that can range anywhere from precise molecular processes to complex ecological systems.
Pit yourself against other teams by answering questions to earn points. Strategise within your team to solve as many questions correctly, as quickly as possible.
Ask questions, make friends and form teams. We don't bite, we promise!
Join the SBL Discord server