

When is it: Saturday, 27 July 2024, 9 AM–1 PM

Where is it: SBL is conducted on our online platform.

Who can join: SBL is open to all pre-university students in Singapore (Junior College/Millennia Institute/Polytechnic/ITE/International Equivalent). Eligible participants may register in teams of 3–5 members.

You can score points in two events: Main Problems and a time-limited bonus event, Adrenaline Rush.

  1. Main Problems will be accessible throughout the contest, and contain Problems which in turn contain several independently-scored questions.

    Each team may work on up to four Problems concurrently, and unlock a new one after completing a problem. Participants have up to three attempts per question, with a cooldown period of 30 seconds after each incorrect attempt on a question. Fewer points will be awarded with each attempt. Partial credit is given after 3 attempts for multiple statement questions.

  2. Adrenaline Rush (AR) is a time-limited bonus event from . Participants answer Multiple Choice Questions in three problem grids of different difficulty. Only one attempt per question is allowed, and only up to four questions can be open at any time.

What is allowed: Communication within the team and open-book aids such as textbooks, study notes, the internet and computer software.

What is NOT allowed: Communication outside the team.

Key Info

  1. Timing:

  2. Venue: SBL is an online contest conducted on a proprietary online platform accessible from the official SBL website (

  3. Eligibility: SBL is open to all students currently enrolled in a pre-university institution in Singapore (Junior College/Millennia Institute/Polytechnic/ITE/International Equivalent).

  4. Syllabus: All fields of modern Biology may be covered. Participants may refer to the Campbell Biology textbook for comprehensive foundational knowledge (You may refer to it even during the contest). Participants may refer to the International Biology Olympiad syllabus for reference.

  5. Preparation: Participants are encouraged to read widely beyond a foundation in high school Biology / International Baccalaureate / GCE Advanced Levels / Advanced Placement-level Biology.


Eligible participants may register in teams of 3–5 members. Teams can include eligible persons from different schools and different grades/levels/years.

Registration will be conducted through the SBL online registration form on our website. Teams should ensure the accuracy of the contact details furnished as important correspondences will be directed to their provided email addresses.

Teams must come up with a team name of no more than 30 characters. Obscene, hateful and offensive team names will not be tolerated.

Contest Format and Scoring

SBL will consist of Main Problems and a time-limited bonus event, Adrenaline Rush.

Main Problems

The Main Problems will be accessible throughout the contest, and contain Problems of incremental difficulty. Each Problem may in turn contain several independently-scored questions of various types.

Each team may work on up to four Problems concurrently. After completing a Problem, the team may select one new Problem to attempt from among the four options provided.

Participants are to answer each question in sequential order, and are allowed up to three attempts per question, with a cooldown period of 30 seconds after each incorrect attempt on a question. Submissions will be graded instantly.

There are seven types of questions:

  1. Single statement questions:

    1. Multiple Choice: Participants must select one correct option out of several provided.
    2. Multiple Response: Participants must select all correct options out of the several provided.
    3. Short Answer: Participants must enter a single word, phrase or textual string. Extra characters or words will render the submission incorrect.
    4. Numeric Response: Participants must answer with a numeric figure correct to 3 significant figures, unless otherwise specified.
  2. Multiple statement questions:

    1. True-False Set: Participants must indicate whether each statement in the set provided is true or false.
    2. Matching: Participants must match the given options to a list of statements.
    3. Short Answer Set: Participants must answer a set of short answer questions or numeric response questions in a table.

For multiple statement questions, a hint of the number of statements correctly answered will be given after an incorrect 2nd attempt.

The following scoring system will be applied to all questions. No partial credit will be awarded except for questions with multiple statements.

Scenario Points Awarded
Question submission is correct on the 1st attempt 100% of total question points
Question submission is correct on the 2nd attempt 70% of total question points
Question submission is correct on the 3rd attempt 40% of total question points
Question submission is incorrect on the 3rd attempt1 0% of total question points
(For single statement questions)


40% of partial question points2
(For multiple statement questions)


Problem will be locked for 30 seconds

1 Upon an incorrect submission on the 3rd attempt, no submissions can be made to the problem for a 30 second cooldown period.

2 The partial question points scores are calculated from the fraction of correctly answered statements for Matching and Short Answer Set questions. For example, if the maximum points awardable score for a question is 60, and only 4 of 6 statements are correctly answered on the 3rd attempt, the number of points awarded is 40% × 60 points × 4/6 = 16 points.
For True-False Set questions, partial points are calculated from the fractional value of correctly answered statements above half, then normalised. For example, if the maximum points awardable for a question is 60, and only 4 of 6 true-false statements are correctly answered on the 3rd attempt, the number of points awarded is 40% × 60 points × (4/6 - 1/2) × 2 = 8 points. Getting no more than half the true-false statements correct will mean getting the question wrong.

A sample problem with all seven types of questions can be found on our website.

Adrenaline Rush

Adrenaline Rush (AR) is a time-limited bonus event from for teams to earn additional points by solving AR Problems.

There are three Problem grids of different difficulties, rated as Easy, Medium, or Hard. Each Problem grid comprises 20 AR Problems across 5 categories, each AR Problem containing a single Multiple Choice Question. The five categories are:

  1. Animal Anatomy and Physiology
  2. Plant Anatomy and Physiology
  3. Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Cell Biology
  4. Genetics and Evolution
  5. Ecology, Ethology, Biosystematics

On selecting an AR Problem, teams must work through the grid in any order with up to 4 questions open at any given time. Unlike Main Problems Multiple Choice Questions, AR Problems’ questions will only allow one attempt each. If the answer is incorrect, the correct answer will not be revealed.

The following scoring system will be applied to AR Problems:

Scenario Points Awarded
Submission is correct on the 1st attempt 10 points (Easy AR Problem Grid)


20 points (Medium AR Problem Grid)


30 points (Hard AR Problem Grid)
Submission is incorrect on the 1st attempt 0 points
For each row of AR Problems solved correctly


For each column of AR Problems solved correctly
+10 bonus points (Easy AR Problem Grid)


+20 bonus points (Medium AR Problem Grid)


+30 bonus points (Hard AR Problem Grid)

On completing an AR Problem, teams may select a new AR Problem of Easy, Medium or Hard rating.

A sample with five AR Problems can be found on our website.

Live Leaderboard

A live leaderboard will be available to rank teams according to their points. In the event of a tie, the team who reached that number of points earlier will be ranked higher.

The live leaderboard will be disabled during the first 15 minutes and last 30 minutes of the contest.

The live leaderboard may not reflect the most current points during the contest. The released leaderboard standings published by the SBL Organising Team on our website after the contest and after the appeals window shall be taken to be the final results of the contest.


Teams are ranked based on the total points earned throughout the whole contest period. In the event of a tie, the team who reached that number of points earlier will be ranked higher.

A draft of the results will be released shortly after the contest day. An appeal window, to be specified by the SBL Organising Team, will be opened for queries and requests for remarking subject to the discretion of the SBL Organising Team.

A final version of the official results will be released after the conclusion of the appeals window. No further enquiries will be entertained, and all points scores and awards issued will be final.


The awards are determined according to the cutoffs below, where n is the number of teams, and ⌈n⌉ is the ceiling function:

Team Ranking Award
Top ⌈0.1n⌉ participants (Top 10%) Gold Award
Top ⌈0.3n⌉ participants (Next 20% thereafter) Silver Award
Top ⌈0.6n⌉ participants (Next 30% thereafter) Bronze Award
Top ⌈0.7n⌉ participants (Next 10% thereafter) Honourable Mention
Remaining teams Certificate of Participation

Conduct of the Contest

Participants may sign into the Official SBL Platform at on the day of the contest. The contest will commence promptly at and end at .

The Main Problems will be accessible throughout the contest and contains Problems, each of which may in turn contain several questions. Each team may work on up to four Problems concurrently. Upon the completion of a Problem, the team may select one new Problem to attempt from among four options provided.

From Adrenaline Rush (AR) Problems will be made available for teams to attempt independently of and concurrently with the Main Problems. AR Problems range from Easy, Medium or Hard, and each comprises a grid of 20 modified Multiple Choice Questions. Points earned on AR Problems will be added to the overall team points.

In the event of technical difficulties, disruptions to the contest, suspected errata or inaccuracies in grading, participants are to raise a Support Ticket on the official SBL Discord Server or email us at [email protected]. Requests for clarification, explanations or translations of biological terms, diagrams and concepts will not be entertained.

Participants' Code of Conduct

Participants may confer with their team members for the duration of the contest, and are allowed the use of open-book aids and sources of information including but not limited to:

  • Computational aids (Scientific and Graphing Calculators)
  • Computer programs (Microsoft Excel, Wolfram Mathematica, Desmos, Python, MATLAB etc.)
  • The internet, Internet websites, and services available through Internet websites including Artificial Intelligence-enabled query services
  • Digital and printed matter (Notes, Textbooks, Research Papers)

The above-mentioned list should not be construed as prescriptive or exhaustive, and that this does not amount to an endorsement, advertisement or warranty of claim of named items. Participants agree that they must access such sources of information in compliance with the other stipulations of the Participants’ Code of Conduct.

Participants undertake not to communicate with persons outside the members of their team for the duration of the contest, and agree not to share information with or collaborate with other teams. Participants must take reasonable precautions against the unauthorised access by third parties to team communications, contest materials and their answers. Such reasonable precautions include but are not limited to measures such as:

  • Ensuring team communications are conducted in private rather than on a public forum
  • Preventing members of other teams and other unauthorised persons from eavesdropping on physical communication
  • Abstaining from collaboration with other teams

Participants shall avoid acting in a manner prejudicial to the smooth conduct of the SBL and shall refrain from actions that harm fair play and the integrity of the SBL including but not limited to:

  • Libel, slander and harassment
  • Actions, intentional and unintentional, that disrupt the smooth operation of SBL
  • Verbal, Physical and Digital communications that malign the image of the SBL, SBL Organising Team, and members thereof

Participants shall act in good faith in compliance with statute laws of the Republic of Singapore. Particularly, participants undertake to use the platforms, software, websites and other digital products and services provided by the SBL Organising Team responsibly and in compliance with the Computer Misuse Act 1993 whereunder such offences are criminalised:

  • The unauthorised access to and manipulation of computer material
  • The conduct or abetment of Denial of Service Attacks
  • The unauthorised use or interception of computer services

The SBL Organising Team adopts a zero-tolerance approach to breaches of the Participants’ Code of Conduct.

The SBL Organising Team reserves the right to penalise or disqualify participants and teams deemed to have breached the Participants’ Code of Conduct, or otherwise harm the integrity of the SBL and engage in conduct unbecoming of a participant of SBL even if not specified under the Participants’ Code of Conduct, and refer such persons to their schools for disciplinary action.

Terms and Conditions

Any views or opinions represented on this website are personal and belong solely to the SBL Organising Team and do not represent those of people, institutions or organisations that the SBL Organising Team may or may not be associated with in professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated. Any views or opinions are not intended to malign any religion, race, ethnic group, club, organisation, company, government, or individual. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, institutions or organisations is purely coincidental, and no identification is intended or should be inferred.

Warranty Disclaimer

All content provided on this website is for informational purposes only. The SBL Organising Team makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied as to the accuracy, relevance, suitability, availability, fitness or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site for any purpose, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, or noninfringement of intellectual property. To the extent not prohibited by the law, the SBL Organising Team will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. To the extent not prohibited by the law, the SBL Organising Team will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages arising directly or indirectly from the display or use of this information.

This website does not provide medical advice, this website does not provide investment advice, and this website does not provide professional advice, and this website should not be a substitute for professional or medical advice from qualified persons as appropriate. By using this website, participants agree that the use of any information, content or products on this site, or found by following any link on this website for any purpose is at the participants’ own risk.

Fair Use

While the SBL organising team has aspired to use all reasonable efforts to avoid using copyrighted material, the SBL organising team acknowledges that this website may contain copyrighted material whose use has not been specifically authorised by the copyright owner. The SBL organising team is making this information available in the interest of education and critique. The SBL organising team declares the SBL organising team’s belief that this constitutes a “fair use” of the copyrighted materials as provided for in Section 190 of the Copyright Act 2021 in the Republic of Singapore.

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