About Us

A group collage of all the ExCo mascots.

Organising Team

SBL 2024 is organised by a group of passionate students and graduates with the aim of making biology contests more accessible and fun!

Executive Committee (ExCo)

Our ExCo is formed from a group of past SBO medallists who are dedicated to making SBL 2024 a fair and successful contest.


Lai Le Hao Jerome

When in doubt put TFFT

Vice Chairperson

Wang Yuting

Apples are fake fruits...

Lead Developer, UI/UX

Cervon Wong

Plants have feelings too! 🥲

Problem Setter IC

Leo Kee Kiat, Ethan

I'm a fungi

Comms 2IC, DB Admin

Alicia Jocelyn Tjokro

that's rough buddy

Graphic Illustrator

Lim Le Xuan

A stylus is easier to carry than Campbell's Biology

Publicity IC

Debraath Pahari

pear 🍐 potato 🥔 pineapple 🍍

Publicity 2IC

Samuel Toh Jun Xian

Alcohol is a solution

Problem Editor

Owen Ong JunHeng

If we model the fireflies as coupled phase-locked oscillators...

Copywriter, UX

Shrimay Bikash Saikia

Putting the Y in biology

Problem Setter 2IC

Soh Sze Hian, Lionel

Wait… I think I am vegetarian


Lucas Yeo

Well, anyway...

Development Board

Our developers are hard at work making sure you have the smoothest contest experience possible!

Fullstack Developer


i took 18 years to turn 18

Fullstack Developer



Frontend Developer

Dedeep Sai

what is life but a series of foosball matches

Backend Developer

Samuel Tan

foosball matches not bad

Backend Developer

Prannaya Gupta

I dropped bio in Y3. Anyways…

Problem Setting Board

Our problem setters are continuously brainstorming creative new problems for you.

Problem Setter

Ang Jan Syi

i like bio but i dont like studying

Problem Setter

Nayantara Liz Njondimackal

the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell

Problem Setter

Chng Yaw Tia

ATP Synthase is the powerhouse of the mitochondria

Problem Setter

Zhan Xiaoyan

If you trace back far enough we are all just some very weird fish

Problem Setter

Evan Ignatius Tan

when researching cells, please cyte your sources

Problem Setter

Ye Chen Rui

im part plant part fungus, please lichen subscribe

The Singapore Biology League is a part of a trio of online science leagues along with the Singapore Physics League and the Singapore Chemistry League. Check them out too!

The Singapore Biology League is proud to be supported by the Singapore Institute of Biology.